Rev. Tim Fangmeier – Member at Large

My journey in ministry has been shaped by an ongoing desire to move God’s mission forward.
After receiving a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree, the influence of my Campus Pastor led me to consider seminary training at Concordia Theological Seminary in Springfield, Ill.
My first call in 1971 was to begin a mission congregation in Fort Myers, Fla. Following that I was Senior Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church and School in Delray Beach, Fla. and then Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church and School in Charlotte, NC.
In 1993, I joined the staff of the Southeastern District, LCMS as a Mission and Ministry Facilitator deployed to assist congregations in the Carolinas move their mission forward. One of the joys of this position was to help plant new congregations and ministries.
In retirement I continue to consultant with congregations and pastors. A main focus is often conflict intervention and coaching pastors in times of change and conflict. Recently a new website was created that helps me assist pastors in setting up sabbatical time for renewal in ministry. My continuing involvement in Kairos Prison Ministry is very rewarding as the Kairos team seeks to build Christian community within the walls of maximum-security prisons near my home in Davidson NC.
My wife Rae and I belong to Ascension Lutheran Church in Charlotte where we enjoy working in the Soup Kitchen. Years ago she convinced me to give up the accordion and pursue the quieter hobby of watercolor painting.