About Us

MALIM’s Core Values
MALIM is committed to moving God’s mission forward in support of the Southeastern District-Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (SED). Grants are awarded based on the following Core Values:
- Vision that is Mission Driven
- Projects that are Innovative
- Leadership that is Passionate about God’s Mission
- Transparent Stewardship of funds received and granted
- Strategy that is Results Oriented
Funding Priorities
MALIM seeks to fund projects that are outward-focused and that have a missional impact. Projects should align with MALIM’s Core Values and address unmet needs in the community of a congregation or organization. We are particularly interested in funding hands-on efforts that involve developing relationships between members of the congregation/organization and those whom the project serves.
Priority is given to mission projects that touch the lives of under-served populations (such as urban ministries, ethnic groups, the elderly, homeless and economically challenged, etc.)