Rev. Quentin Poulson – Member at Large

My greatest joy is encouraging others—as spiritual and practical cheerleader—to realize their aspirations in service to others and the glory of God.
My early vocation was analytical chemist employed in the pharmaceutical industry, product development. I nearly completed a master’s in business administration degree when I felt the inner call to enter the pastoral ministry. I received my seminary training at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada.
I have served parishes in the Southeastern District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod since 1993. From 2007 to 2013, I served at the International Center, LCMS as director of mission networking and multiethnic and inner-city missions. It has been exciting meeting people from other cultures in celebration of God’s influence upon their lives, which has expanded my world view in the light of Christ.
In retirement, I am serving two congregations as a vacancy pastor in the Charlotte-Metro area, hopefully cultivating life-long learning and community engagement to help multiply Christian missions, the advancement of peaceful citizenship that builds meaningful and productive relationships with our neighbors.
I am single, a happy dog owner and a member of Point of Grace Lutheran Church in Huntersville, NC. My interests are wellness and physical fitness, music and the arts; civic and world affairs.