Crisis Grant Has Kingdom Impact

An Art Scherer Memorial Crisis Grant was awarded to Visual Faith Ministry to assist in building a new website that would support the ability to host an online Visual Faith event. Here’s the story of how this grant has blessed both that specific event and has multiplied this outreach many times over:
Dear MALIM Board of Directors and Leadership Team,
We have felt a need to give you a report back from what has happened with the generous grant of $3000 ART SCHERER COVID Technology funds at the end of last year.
We were able to build a new website that would support/host an online Visual Faith event. With that, our email list outgrew FREE, and we had to begin to purchase more services to support the growth of our ministry.
Very very good… but their were significant growing pains and needs.
We budgeted carefully, and because our ministry is supported by an amazing team of volunteers, we were able to guard the funds to make wise choices.
In January, we decided to host our first online teaching/gathering event in early March 2021. There was alot work that had to be done very quickly, but the Lord was with us.
We prayed for 150 to attend- that would cover our expenses.
We had 916 registered guests from 20 countries around the world. We were blessed beyond imagination and learned ALOT.
This summer we have spent reorganizing our Team, and have stepped out in faith to put together The MOVABLE ADVENTURE- which launches on Nov. 3, 2021.
It will be a year long experience of spiritual formation videos and discipleship encouragement-telling the stories of Transformation from coaches and practitioners of Visual Faith practices..
It is divided into 4 Pathways of Transformation-Personal, Households of Faith, Community and Digital.
We have a Ministry of Understanding with Lutheran Hour Ministry now and their North American director Chad Lakies will be one of our Pathways speakers. We are also working with Rev. Justin Rossow of Next Step Press, who is also a presenter, and he is helping us publish the Adventure journal that will be available on Amazon to go with the Adventure.
Our intent for Visual Faith Ministries is to reinvest in our coaches for training, teaching, discipling and this March 2022 we have been able to secure lodging in Sandbrdige, VA to do that.
We have invited everyone to join us there and at this time we have 39 that have been able to say YES. One young mom coach is flying in from ALASKA to join us. God has blessed a ministry of laywomen that have really never met each other, been together, except here and there, or on social media, and when we drive across country to find each other.
We don’t know what the future will be for being self- sustaining, but we seek to make wise choices for the future, even as we continue to grow.
We just wanted you to know the difference your grant made for a group of disciples that just want to point others to Jesus. It has been a blessing for Pat and I as the Co-Founders of Visual Faith™ Ministry, and we just wanted you to know that the Holy Spirit has been in every decision and guidance as we seek to SEE where He is already working.
Thank you,
Pat Maier and Connie Denninger
Co-Founders of Visual Faith™ Ministry
For more information about Visual Faith Ministry, see their website: