Thank-Offering for Outgoing SED President Rev. Dr. John Denninger

Rev. Dr. John Denninger is coming to the conclusion of his tenure as President of the Southeastern District—LCMS. We believe it more than appropriate for us to give thanks to God for his ten years of service to us.

That God’s “heart for the world beats through each of us” is an idea that John has enthusiastically championed, and as our District President, he has consistently asserted that the more we open our eyes to the neighbors around us and see them as objects of the same love God has for us, the stronger our mission partnership with God will become.

With the blessing of the SED Board of Directors, Mid-Atlantic Lutherans in Mission (MALIM) is creating a thank-offering appeal in recognition of this outstanding president’s years of leadership. Gifts to MALIM will be used for “MyNeighbor” grants to help strengthen outreach efforts to neighbors where our congregations are located and where their members live, work, and play.
Throughout his ministry, President Denninger has given special attention to neighbors with multicultural backgrounds, and for this reason MALIM also wants to provide support for our congregations as they seek to become more creatively involved in engaging these neighbors with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Throughout its 83-year history, the SED has been a mission-driven District, one that has prayerfully sought to develop new and better ways to reach out to our neighbors in this five-state region. Hence, MALIM has set a goal of at least $83,000 for this special thank offering.

We are asking all our congregations and church workers, as well as lay leaders who may be so inclined, to enable us to reach this goal by the time of the District Convention this coming month of May. Gifts can be made online at or mailed to MALIM at 2315 North Parham Road, Richmond, VA 23229.



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